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About our exhibition

Under the supervision of our newly appointed dean Caspar Chorus at the end of 2022, we have started our exciting journey to set up our very first (!) TU Delft Industrial Design Engineering (IDE) exhibition at Dutch Design Week 2023. But where do you begin?

To create a world where dreams are allowed to exist, was the dream of Creative Director and Curator Wing Yan Man. Together with curators Professor Paul Hekkert, Associate Professor Marco Rozendaal, Head of Communications Julia Candy and StudioLab manager Aadjan van der Helm, we have organized an internal design contest. Everyone was free to join, whether in group, individually, Bachelor or Master student, researcher and staff. The only condition was to describe their future world on themes we as IDE find important: Sustainability, Inclusivity, Health and Technology.

Utopian, dystopian, near future, unimaginable, physical, digital: we have read them all and in stages chosen the final 8 installations. These are from 23 designers varying from Bachelor to Master to PhD graduates, incorporating product, service and system design, either sprung from a courses, graduation project or just from scratch. With the help of our 16 mentors, we have embedded the theory and storytelling behind each.

Each installation has a powerful vision to tell and to make sure visitors of all ages would be able to participate, we have collaborated with design studio NorthernLight, production company Brandwacht en Meijer and graphic designer Luke James Miller to create an immersive experience.

For sustainability, the exhibition production will be given a new life via and the pencils are donated to NGO Meneer Rick.

We are very proud of our collaborative effort, and we hope to have tickled your interest in Delft Design, to encourage you to dream big and take concrete steps to design for your future. Thank you for all the people who have contributed, designers, collaborators, IDE staff and the many happy visitors we have received.


TU Delft – Industrial Design Engineering

  Wing Yan Man – Creative Director & Curator
Paul Hekkert - Curator
Marco Rozendaal - Curator
Julia Candy – Curator & Communications
Aadjan van der Helm – Curator
Carlo van der Valk – Web design

Delft Designers of installations

Neslihan Can, Nathan Douenburg, Virginia Facciotto, Sukriti Garg, Heng (Eric) Gu, Pablo Yaniz Gonzales, Valentina Guadagno, Olaf Kamperman, Yash Khinvasara, Alexander Kiselev, Leon van Klaveren, Julia Kleinwächter, Floor Oomen, Tamay Oudhof, Maartje Roggeveen, Rijk Roozenbeek, Rita Gorriz, Marre van der Schee, Ryan Tsai, Chris Vooren, Kim de Vrij, Koen Weber, Tieme van Wijnen

External parties

Josephine de Vries (NorthernLight) - Spatial design
Peter Slavenburg (NorthernLight) – Spatial Design
Wouter Potma (Brandwacht en Meijer) - Production
Maarten Potma (Brandwacht en Meijer) – Production
Joost Kamper (Brandwacht en Meijer) - Production
Luke James Miller - Graphic design

And finally, thanks to the unnamed students and staff of TU Delft | Industrial Design Engineering who have helped in a myriad untold way. Without you and your ideas, insights and creative energy there would be no exhibition and no Delft Design. Thank you!